Transitions: Remove the erroneous “Amount” parameter on many transitions (Eg.Linux: Fixed libglade error when running the Sapphire Preset Browser, Sapphire Lens Flare Designer, and Sapphire Effect Builder on Centos 7.2-3 Centos 8.X, and Ubuntu 18.04.Linux: Fixed libglade error when installing the Sapphire RPM on Centos 7.2-3 Centos 8.X, and Ubuntu 18.04.

Resolve: Fixed occasional black frames when returning from Builder and the Preset Browser.Effect Builder: Change Color node default to “Color Only”.LensFlare: Shadow working correctly with the undo stack in the Sapphire Lens Flare Designer.Licensing: Improve subscription license handling.New! Faster Renders: Up to three times faster renders with specific effects.New! Functionality: Compare mode for the Sapphire Preset Browser.New! Presets: 16 new LensFlares and 7 new Builder Presets.New! Easier Tracking: Improved integrated Mocha tracking and masking with parameter tracking & new Area Brush for quick masking.New! OpenColorIO color management support.Sapphire’s superior image quality, control, and render speed offers massive time-savings - allowing creatives to focus on what matters most, delivering an impact that keeps audiences coming back. Key features include over 270 effects and 3000+ presets, a powerful Effect and Transition Builder, and integrated tracking and masking with the Academy Award-winning Mocha. Sapphire plug-ins let you create stunning organic looks unmatched by any host native effect tools. NEW FREELENS EFFECT, MORE FLARES, FASTER RENDERS, AND BETTER TRACKING Boris FX Sapphire 2020.5.1 WIN for Adobe After Effects & Premiere Pro Full Version for Windows Free DownloadĪdobe plugin for Motion Graphics and VFX.